University of Virginia Library


In accordance with the resolution adopted by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia on 14 July 1945, the President announced the following appointments.

Lieutenant (jg) James R. Cannon, Assistant Professor of Naval Science and Tactics, effective
in August 1960, at no salary from the University.

Captain Nathan C. Sibley, Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics, effective in
August 1960, at no salary from the University.

Lieutenant (jg) Ronald E. Tietz, Assistant Professor of Naval Science and Tactics, effective
in August 1960, at no salary from the University.

The President also announced the following appointments

Dr. McLemore Birdsong, Acting Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics, for one year,
effective 1 July 1960.

Mr. Thomas I. Crowell, Chairman of the Department of Chemistry, for a term expiring on
15 June 1962.

Mr. George A. Downs, Acting Dean of the School of Architecture, for one year, effective 1
September 1960.

Mr. William M. Griffin, Assistant Director of the Bureau of Public Administration, effective
1 July 1960.

Mr. James Kinard, Assistant Dean of Admissions, effective 1 July 1960.

Mr. James E. May, Chairman of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, for three years,
effective 15 June 1960.

Mr. Ernest C. Mead, Jr., Chairman of the Department of Music, for a term expiring 15 June 1962.

Mr. Frederick T. Morse, Chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, for three years,
effective 15 June 1960.

Mr. Marvin B. Perry, Jr., Dean of Admissions, for five years, effective 1 July 1960

Mr. Joseph L. Vaughan, Chancellor for Community Colleges, effective 1 June 1960. The office
of Provost of the University was discontinued as of 31 May 1960.