University of Virginia Library


The following resolution was adopted by the Board:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty:

Dr. Robert J. Scott as Lecturer in Internal Medicine, effective November 1, 1952,
without salary from the University.

Mr. John Miller Grier as Instructor in Romance Languages, for the session of 1952-53.

Dr. Robert R. Rudolph as Lecturer in Neurology and Psychiatry, effective October 1,
1952, at no salary from the University.

Dr. Katherine Patricia M. Andrews as Instructor in Anesthesiology, effective October
1, 1952, at no additional salary. She is already on the Hospital staff.

Dr. John McGalliard as Visiting Professor of English for the first semester of the
session of 1952-53


Dr. Geza Teleki as Acting Associate Professor of Foreign Affairs for the session of 195253.
This is a continuation of the appointment of Dr. Teleki who was elected to this position for
last session at the July 14, 1950 meeting of the Board.

Mr. Thomas K. FitzPatrick as Professor of Architecture, effective at the beginning of the
session of 1953-54.