University of Virginia Library

Seventh Member

Donald E. Santerelli of
Alexandria, the youngest
continuing member of the
board, will be the seventh
member of the Special
Committee. Mr. McConnell of
Richmond will chair the

Government Prof. Weldon
Cooper has been appointed by
the Rector to serve as the
Special Committee's secretary.

In a letter to Mr. Shannon,
Mr. McConnell asked that a
Faculty Committee
representing each of the ten
schools of the University "be
elected from the membership
of the Faculty Senate."

The Rector charged the
proposed Faculty Committee
with the following
responsibilities: "(1) examining
into and reporting to the
Special Committee on the
nature of the office of the
President of the University; (2)
determining the qualifications
of the person who will
fill the office and submitting
the proposed qualifications to
the Special Committee; (3)

commencing the construction
of a list of likely nominees; (4)
assisting in such other ways as
may be requested by the
Board's Special Committee."