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'Calm But Tense'
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'Calm But Tense'

The deputy estimated the
crowd at about 300 to 400 in
contrast to the original
estimate of 2,000 made by Mr.
Amis. He also said that hours
after the incident the
atmosphere at the university
was "calm but tense" and that
state police still occupied the

Louisiana Governor Ediwn
Edwards has alerted the
National Guard, and called out
700 troops to restore order to
the Baton Rouge campus,
which he has ordered cleared
and closed. He has also formed
a committee to look into the
problems and the requests of
the students.

A fire was determined to
have been started in the
university's Registrar's office,
but little damage is reported.

Baton Rouge campus
President Netterville has
repeatedly refused the
students' demands for his
resignation, according to a
spokesman. The occupation of
the administration building
there was the concurrent
outcome of this refusal to meet
student demands.

According to UPI, Mr.
Dumas said that "Our prime
concern is to get the university
back where it belongs–in the
hands of the administrators."

He is also reported as stating
that "There is a price you pay
for appeasement.... And if you
appease people you can expect
the worst."