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The design of the Legendary, it would appear by the
criticisms upon the first volume, is not yet understood. We
have been censured for admitting contributions which were
not strictly legends of America. This has surprised us, because
we were at particular pains to be explicit; and we have
by us the original prospectus, a note to which reads thus;—
`In answer to several inquiries, the publisher would remark
that contributions to the Legendary need not necessarily relate
to America. Tales, ballads, and romances, whether partly
historical or wholly fictitious, and the scenes of which are laid
in any other country, will come within the plan of the publication.
Those, however, which are connected with our own
country will be preferred.' We have been put to some trouble
by this misapprehension, and we hope hereafter to be understood
both by critics and contributors.

The present volume is a pretty fair specimen of what we
intended the Legendary to be. We have found more difficulty


Page vi
than we anticipated in getting proper contributions, but
we trust we have succeeded in making it interesting. The
reception of the present number will decide the question of
its continuance.

We particularly request our contributors to allow us to
publish their names. This is a matter of some importance to
us, and we must insist upon it. Our friends may be assured
that no production shall appear, which, as far as the Editor's
judgment may be trusted, does not honor to the writer.
