University of Virginia Library


With Portraits on steel. Bound uniformly, but each work sold separately.

1, 2. Xenophon. (Anabasis, translated by Edward
Spelman, Esq., Cyropædia, by the Hon. M. A. Cooper.) With a

3, 4. The Orations of Demosthenes. Translated by
Thomas Leland, D.D. With a Portrait.

5. Sallust. Translated by William Rose, M.A.
With Improvements.

6, 7. Cæsar. Translated by William Duncan, Esq.
With a Portrait.

8, 9, 10. Cicero. The Orations translated by Duncan,
the Offices by Cockman, and the Cato and Lælius by Melmoth.
With a Portrait.

11, 12. Virgil. The Eclogues translated by Wrangham,
the Georgics by Sotheby, and the æneid by Dryden. With a

13. æschylus. Translated by the Rev. R. Potter,

14. Sophocles. Translated by Thomas Francklin,
D.D. With a Portrait.

15, 16, 17. Euripides. Translated by the Rev. R.
Potter, M.A. With a Portrait.

18, 19. Horace. Translated by Philip Francis, D.D.
With an Appendix, containing translations of various Odes, &c.
By Ben Jonson, Cowley, Milton, Dryden, Pope, Addison, Swift,
Bentley, Chatterton, G. Wakefield, Porson, Byron, &c. And by
some of the most eminent Poets of the present day. And

Phædrus. With the Appendix of Gudius. Translated
by Christopher Smart, A.M. With a Portrait.

20, 21. Ovid. Translated by Dryden, Pope, Congreve,
Addison, and others. With a Portrait.

22, 23. Thucydides. Translated by William Smith,
A.M. With a Portrait.


Page 18

24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Livy. Translated by George Baker,
A.M. With a Portrait.

29, 30, 31. Herodotus. Translated by the Rev.
William Beloe. With a Portrait.

32, 33, 34. Homer. Translated by Alexander Pope,
Esq. With a Portrait.

35. Juvenal. Translated by Charles Badham, M.D.
F.R.S. New Edition. With an Appendix, containing Imitations
of the Third and Tenth Satires. By Dr. Samuel Johnson.
To which are added, The Satires of Persius.

36. Pindar. Translated by the Rev. C. A. Wheelwright.

Anacreon. Translated by Thomas Bourne.