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The Hon. Middleton Flam.—Head of The New Lights, Representative
of the district in Congress, President
of The Copper Plate Bank, intimate with the
Secretary of the Treasury, an orator, a philosopher,
and a man of large estate.

Nicodemus Handy.—Projector of the Copper Plate Bank,
Cashier of the same, aud some time second in
command of The New Lights.

Simon Snuffers.—Superintendant of The Hay Scales, and
President of The New Light Club.

Nathaniel Doubleday.—Clerk of The Court and Vice of The

S. S.—Author and editor of this History, Principal of the District
School, honorary member of several Literary
Societies, and Secretary no less to The New
Light Club than to The Grand Central Committee
of Unflinching New Light Quodlibetarian Democrats—quorum
magna pars fui.


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Agamemnon Flag.—Attorney at Law, formerly of Bickerbray.
At one time the Regular Nomination Candidate.
Disposed to be in love with Miss Handy.

Jacob Barndollar.—Son-in-law of Jesse Ferret—of the firm of
Barndollar & Hardbottle, Forwarding and Commission

Anthony Hardbottle.—Counterpart in said firm. Elected
President of The Bank upon the resignation of
Mr. Flam.

Zachary Younghusband.—Post Master of Quodlibet, Tin
Plate Worker, and Member of The Grand Central

Theodore Fog.—Attorney at Law. At one time Director of
The Bank, but compelled to resign on account of
his habits. Independent Candidate against Agamemnon
Flag—member of the Legislature—a distinguished
popular orator, and original founder of
that branch of The New Lights known by the
name of The True Grits.

Dr. Thomas G. Winkleman.—Druggist, and Soda Water Pavilion
Keeper, Physician in ordinary to The True
Grits, and a man of great influence in that sect.
Coroner of the County, contractor for the supply
of medicines to The Alms-House, and ready to
take any other office which might be vacant.

Nimrod Porter.—Bar-keeper at The Hero, fond of betting, famous
for trotting horses. A True Grit, but well
inclined to The Mandarins.

Eliphalet Fox.—Formerly editor of “The Gabwrangle Grimalkin,”
but, through the Influence of Mr. Flam,
transferred to “The Quodlibet Whole Hog,”—


Page xiii
an expectant of the Marshal's place, but disappointed.
The Orderly of the True Grits.

True Grits Rank and File

Dabbs.—His Compositor.

Neal Hopper.—The Miller in Christy M'Curdy's mill.

Samuel Pivot.—The County Assessor.

Thomas Crop.—Constable of The Borough and an aspirant
to The Sheriffalty.

William Goodlack.—Merchant Tailor and seller of ready
made clothes.

Magnus Morehead.—Shoemaker, and looking to be made
clerk to the Marshal in place of Washington

Simpson Travers.—Keeper of The Refectory at the lower
end of The Canal Basin, and expecting to
have the exclusive supply of liquors to The
Recruiting Station.

Sandy Buttercrop.—Express rider, message carrier,
baggage porter, and of sundry other accidental
occupations—promised Corney Dust's
place, the Marshal's porter.

Flan Sucker.—A distinguished loafer, a great admirer of
Theodore Fog, and a regular attendant on
public meetings.

Friends and followers of Flan Sucker
Ben Inky,
Jeff Drinker,
More M'Nulty,

Ferox Tigertail.—Marshal of The District, resident in Bickerbray,
an old Federalist, but reformed into a New
Light Democrat: choleric, and difficult to keep
in harness.

Washington Cutbush.—His clerk, suspected of having an
opinion of his own in politics.


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Corney Dust.—His porter, charged with being lukewarm, and
attending to nothing but his office.

Virgil Philpot.—Editor of The Bickerbray Scrutinizer, an
out-and-out friend of the Hon. Middleton Flam.

Abram Schoolcraft.—Nurseryman in Bickerbray, Member of
the Legislature.

Curtius Short.—Cheap Store Keeper in Tumbledown, Member
of the Legislature.

Cale Goodfellow.—Sportsman, Farobanker, &c., of Tumbledown,
and entirely devoted to Theodore Fog.


Michael Grant.—Formerly a tanner occupying the land on
which Quodlibet was built. Having amassed an
independence, he has retired to his farm at the
foot of The Hog Back, where he lives surrounded
by his four sons.

Andrew Grant.—His youngest son, educated to the Engineer
service, but preferring to be at home, married the
daughter of Stephen P. Crabstock, and lives near
The Hog Back.

Abel Brawn.—A substantial blacksmith, but unfortunately infected
with Whig principles—a matter of great
regret to his friends amongst The New Lights.

Davy Post.—Wheelwright.

Geoffry Wheeler.—Teamster.

Peter Ounce.—Keeper of The Boatman's Hotel on the Canal

Stephen P. Crabstock.—Iron Master and proprietor of the
Hog Back Furnace—a man who in spite of his
adherence to the dangerous doctrines of The
Whigs, has arisen from poverty to wealth by his
own exertions.


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Augustus Postlethwaite Tompkinson.—Editor of The Thorough
Blue Whole Team—a paper characterised
by its mendacity, its ferocity and utter disregard
of the feelings of the purest New Lights in the
nation. A bitter enemy of the Hon. Middleton
Flam, and having the audacity to speak lightly of
The President of The United States.

John Smith.—A gentleman generally known throughout the
Union, and several times run for Congress.


Jesse Ferret.—Innkeeper and proprietor of The Hero—a cautious
man, and somewhat afraid of his wife.

Sam. Hardesty.—Carpenter, so much under the weather as to
have had no time to make up his mind, notwithstanding
Mr. Flam's generosity towards him.

Quipes.—House and sign, plain and ornamental painter, glazier,
and artist in the Portrait and Landscape

Nicholas Hardup.—Cattle dealer, a borrower of money from
Mr. Flam, and, strange to tell, not yet satisfactorily
settled in his opinions.

Isaiah Crape.—Undertaker and conductor of funerals—Cabinet
and Furnishing storekeeper.

Sergeant Trap.—On the recruiting service at Quodlibet.

His Drummer.—A short and ferocious martialist.

Charley Moggs.—Boss loafer of Bickerbray, and promoted in
the army as Sergeant Trap's fifer.


Mrs. Middleton Flam.—Lady of our member, and mother of
a large family.


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Miss Janet Flam.—Sister of Mr. Middleton.

Madamoiselle Jonquille.—French Governess to the Misses

Polly Ferret.—Commander in Chief of all the forces of The

Susan Barndollar.—Her daughter, wife of Barndollar & Hardbottle,
and remarkable for having her own opinion.

Mrs. Younghusband.—The Post Master's lady.

Mrs. Snuffers.—Lady of the Superintendant of the Hay Scales,
a woman of great consideration in The Borough.

Hester Hardbottle.—Maiden sister to Anthony Hardbottle.

Mrs. Handy.—Lady of The Cashier, and leader of the fashion
in Quodlibet.

Henrietta Handy.—Her daughter—supposed to have been favorably
impressed by Mr. Agamemnon Flag.

Mrs. Trotter.—Mrs. Handy's housekeeper.

Servants, &c.—Sam, the waiter; William, the footman; Nace,
the coachman; and Sarah, the maid, in Mr. Handy's
service. Black Isaac, Kent bugle player;
Yellow Josh, clarionet—Cicero, Neal Hopper's
factotum. Billy Spike, Abel Brawn's fly-flapper,
&c., &c.