University of Virginia Library

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Page 5
Historical Sketch  11 
Government and Organization— 
The Corporation of the University  19 
Trustees of the Miller Fund  20 
Alumni Trustees of the University of Virginia Endowment
Officers of Instruction and Administration  21 
Preachers to the University  29 
Holders of Fellowships and Scholarships  30 
Register of Students— 
The College  33 
The Department of Graduate Studies  42 
The Department of Law  45 
The Department of Medicine  52 
The Department of Engineering  56 
Total Summary of Students  59 
Matriculated after Publication of last Catalogue  60 
Degrees Conferred June, 1911  62 
Entrance Requirements  69 
Subjects Accepted for Admission  70 
Definition of the Units  72 
Programme of Entrance Examinations  82 
Admission with Advanced Standing  83 
Accredited Schools  83 
Announcements  87 
Regulations  91 
Registration  91 
Residence, Attendance, and Grade  92 
Conduct  94 
Dormitory, Board, and Medical Attendance  95 
Expenses  97 
Scholarships and Fellowships  105 
The Academic Schools  115 
The School of Latin  119 
The School of Greek  123 
The School of Romanic Languages  124 
The School of Germanic Languages  126 
The School of Mathematics  128 
The School of Applied Mathematics  132 
The School of Astronomy  132 
The School of Natural Philosophy  134 
The School of Chemistry  136 
The School of Analytical and Industrial Chemistry  138 
The School of Biology  140 
The Schools of General and Economic Geology  145 
The School of History  148 
The School of Economics  150 
The School of English Literature  152 
The School of English  155 
The School of Biblical Literature and History  156 
The School of Philosophy  157 
The School of Education  160 
The College  162 
Entrance Requirements  162 
Regulations  163 
Requirements for Degrees  163 
Schedule of Lectures and Examinations  170 
The Department of Graduate Studies  171 
Graduate in a School  171 
Master of Arts  172 
Master of Science  172 
Doctor of Philosophy  173 
Expenses  174 
Schedule of Lectures and Examinations  176 
The Department of Law  177 
Entrance Requirements  179 
Requirements for Graduation  184 
Outline of Courses  185 
Schedule of Lectures 1912-1913  191 
Schedule of Examinations 1912-1913  192 
General Regulations  193 
The Department of Medicine  196 
Entrance Requirements  197 
Requirements for Graduation  201 
Courses of Instruction  203 
The University of Virginia Hospital  214 
Hospital Staff  214 
The Dispensary  215 
The University of Virginia Hospital Training School for Nurses  215 
The Department of Engineering  216 
Entrance Requirements  217 
Courses of Instruction  218 
Schedule of Lecture and Laboratory Hours  233 
Examinations and Reports  234 
Degrees  234 
Schedule of Examinations  235 
Expenses of Regular Students  236 
Requirements for Advanced Standing  237 
Programmes of Study  245 
Civil Engineering  245 
Mechanical Engineering  246 
Electrical Engineering  247 
Mining Engineering  248 
Chemical Engineering  249 
The Summer School  250 
Administrative Board  250 
Officers of Instruction  251 
Summary of Attendance  254 
Announcements for the Summer Session of 1912  255 
Courses Offered for 1912  259 
The University Library  260 
The Barbour-Page Lecture Foundation  265 
Japanese Exchange Professorship  266 
Students' Literary Societies  267 
Medalists  267 
Students' Literary Activities  268 
Religious Work  269 
The Young Men's Christian Association  269 
Chapel Services  271 
Physical Training  272 
Athletics  273 
Regulations of the General Faculty Concerning Athletics  274 
Regulations of the Faculty Committee on Athletics  275 
General Alumni Association  276 
Officers of the General Alumni Association  276 
Local Chapters in Virginia  276 
Local Chapters Outside Virginia  278 
The Colonnade Club  281 
Register of Students  282 
Index  292