Students of the University of Virginia. A semi-centennial catalogue with brief biographical sketches. |
Students of the University of Virginia. | ||
The first date is that of the year of birth. The dates following the names indicate the years
beginning the sessions which were attended. Degrees taken at the University are distinguished
from those taken elsewhere by bolder type, and being placed on a line with the student's name.
Ass.—Assistant; B. A.—Bachelor of Arts; B. L.—Bachelor of Law; B. Ls.—Bachelor of Letters; B. Sc.
—Bachelor of Science; C. E.—Civil Engineer; C. and M. E.—Civil and Mining Engineer;
C. S. A.—Confederate States Army; C. S. N.—Confederate States Navy; Coll.—College;
d.—died or dead; Instr.—Instructor; M.—Member; M. A.—Master of Arts;
M. D.—Doctor of Medicine; M. C.—Member of Congress;
Prin.—Principal; Prest.—President.
Students of the University of Virginia. | ||