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[Thy Father gave Thee all mankind]

All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me, &c. —vi. 37.

Thy Father gave Thee all mankind:
But drawn by unresisted grace
Who follow on their Lord to find,
Their Lord they surely shall embrace;
To those dear wounds for refuge flee,
And full salvation gain in Thee.
The soul that would on Thee rely,
Jesus, Thou never wilt disdain;
Or leave him in his sins to die,
But purged from every guilty stain
With open arms of love receive,
For ever in Thy joy to live.
Saviour, for Thy own promise sake,
Vouchsafe the blessing I implore,
Me, me into Thy favour take,
To perfect holiness restore,
And to Thy Father's house admit,
And give me on Thy throne to sit.