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Before the Saviour's eyes unscaled
The Beatific Vision stood—
If God from her that splendour veiled
A while, in Him she gazed on God.
The Eternal Spirit o'er them hung:
The Eternal Father moved beside:
With hands forth-held the Angelic throng
Worshipped their Maker far descried.
Yet neither He who said of yore
‘Let there be light’—and all was day—
Nor she that, still a creature, wore,
Creation's crown, and wears for aye,
To casual gazers wondrous seemed:
The wanderer sat beside their door,
Partook their broken bread, and deemed
The donors kindly; nothing more.


In Eden thus that primal Pair
Ere sin had marred their first estate
Sate side by side in silent prayer,
Their earliest sunset fronting, sate;
And now the lion now the pard
Piercing the Cassia bower drew nigh;
Fixed on the twain a mute regard,
Half pleased, half vacant; then passed by.