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The early poems of John Clare

1804-1822: General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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[Three suns had gilt the cottage top]

Three suns had gilt the cottage top
Wi days enlivening smile
Three nights had spread their horrid gloom
Oer hearts that guilt defile
Sin william he had broke his vow
& taen another bride
Sin marys death that vow had causd
Who broke her heart & dyd
& he had roamd in grief the while
Oer pleasures now no more
Which fancy when its vainly done
Paints stronger then before
& he had met his brides embrace
Sweet bliss as man coud know
As warm as womans love coud be
But he was full of woe
For marys kiss (twas all he knew)
Hed never meet agen
& women ere the knott is tyd
Are angels deemd till then
& he woud look thro memorys eye
On marys charms divine
Which now like clouds in distant skye
In sweetest rays did shine


& oft he wanderd where they met
& o coud joys be won
Where he coud hope they still might meet
But hopes were past & done
& he in proofs of kindness dreamd
What happy days hed seen
If he had kept to mary true
& she his wife had been
& when the church bell knolld her end
Upon the sloomy breeze
Each knoll wi marys dying sighs
Told stories such as these
& all that reccollecting love
In fancys ear coud breed
Told he had cruel wrongd the flower
& nursd a stranger weed
Distrest—he sought a shamful death
Too horrid to be sung
& clowns still dread to pass the oak
Where he suspended hung
& night still wakens on the tree
The screech owls dreadful song
Where williams body rests beneath
If rest to such belong
Who hears the tale like ruin shun
Where loves warm vows are past
For guilt a seeming spark begun
Bursts into flames at last