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The early poems of John Clare

1804-1822: General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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[Leave the door in peace man]

Leave the door in peace man
Yere got drunk & silly
Yere tales wrong told ye neednt stan
Yere not my soldier billy
He was trig as youth coud be
& fines the summer day
No beggars half so cagd as thee
So gang in peace away
Willys bin in ruffian wars
A scape goat of their anger
Thoughts of thee & battle scars
These have made the[e] stranger
But if ye will take me in
Now youth & blooms bereft me
Ye shall find my heart within
Just as when it left thee


Stranger yers a piteous case
May powers above protect ye
Yeve not one mark of willys face
I cannot reccolect ye
Willey any maid coud win
His looks they were so gay—
Yeve no red cheeks & dimpld chin
So turn in peace away
Ah silly maidens vain & weak
No wonder at yer ruin
A painted sin ye love to seek
& are your own undoing
If thats the love I've livd to prove
& thought so long in coming
If but skin deep is woman love
—Good bye to worthless woman