University of Virginia Library

Jewish Captives Parting.

Must I leave thee broken-hearted,
All our hopes for ever thwarted;
Early met, and early parted,
Yet while love was new?—
Just when the bud had fondly spread
Its breast to heaven, with blushes red,
The fruit, within its bosom hid,
Shrunk from its fostering dew?
There's a pang (I may not name it!
Heart of alien cannot frame it,
Tongue of angel cannot blame it)
Wrings this bosom still:—
Oh! thou art all with softness blent,
Mild as the lamb, and innocent;
But thou art in the stranger's tent,
And subject to his will.
Bitterer term was never spoken!
Take this last, this farewell token,
All my hopes with it are broken,
Save in one sole deed:
On that pure breast and form so fair,
Should eye or hand of violence dare—
I say no more; but to thy care
I trust this sure remede.
How is the gold become so dim!
How hushed the virgin's choral hymn!
Our cup of misery wets the brim,
'Tis slavery or the grave.
Was ever sorrow like to mine?
The daughters young of Judah's line
Are led in bonds and shame to pine,
And none to help or save!