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[God made His mind to prophets known]

The Father loveth the Son, and hath given, &c. —iii. 35.

God made His mind to prophets known,
But Thou art His beloved Son,
Vested with plenitude of power
To teach, and expiate, and restore;
I see Thee full of truth and grace,
My Prophet, Priest, and King confess;
Exert Thy threefold energy,
Instruct, forgive, and reign in me.
Thou workest all the works Divine,
Fulfillest all His love's design:
Thy church's Head, and great High-Priest
In Thee Thy Father stands confess'd,
Dispenser of His every grace,
Saviour of the peculiar race,
The Way, where all may walk forgiven,
The Truth of bliss, the Life of heaven.
Salvation is in Jesus' name,
I every other hope disclaim,
My soul into Thy hands commend,
On Thee my only God depend;
Observant of Thy just commands,
I rest in Thine almighty hands,


And trust Thee for my place above,
So dearly bought by dying love.