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an Islamic SECT considered HERETICAL by the ORTHODOX established in nineteenth century India by MIRZA GHULAM AHMAD. It began as a revitalization movement within ISLAM but in 1889 Ahmad claimed to have received a REVELATION giving him the right to receive homage and claimed to be the MAHDI or world teacher expected by ZOROASTRIANS, HINDUS and BUDDHISTS. He said he was an AVATAR of KRISHNA, who had come in the SPIRIT of MUHAMMAD. Defending his BELIEFS against the ORTHODOX, he held that Sura LXI, in the QURA'N speaks of him. He claimed his personality had been merged with that of MUHAMMAD, so to call him a PROPHET did not contradict ISLAMIC BELIEF. He is believed to have performed SIGNS and MIRACLES as proof of his AUTHORITY. After his death, his son, BASHIR AL-DIN MAHMUD AHMAD, was appointed his successor. The movement's MISSIONS have spread to many parts of the world and its teachings can be found in The Teachings of Islam (Ahmad, 1963). Regarding CHRISTIANITY, Ghulam Ahmad taught that JESUS was crucified, but taken from the cross alive. Resuscitated Jesus went to Kashmir where he preached, married and died at the age of 120.