University of Virginia Library

Scœn. 7.

, Evphorbvs, Bvfo, Laelio.
Tilt in my face (Euphorbus) and reclaime
The slight opinion of our Deity.
Tilt in our face (I say) and thence collect
If I be Hermes; make some steady thrust,
And call mee Sacred, Matchlesse, Mercury:
Beleeue it (youth) I will dis-ioine thy necke
And shoulders, if thon dost againe deny
That I am Hermes, Ioues Embassadour,
A winged, and im-penetrable God:
Tilt therefore in my face, tilt speedily;
Be thou con-iur'd by lawes of sanctity.

The fiend (sir) doth oppresse my feeble arme.

(Caitife) prouoke not my offensiue rage
Least I depriue thee of all future age.

Then I must kill thee (King.)

I am a God;
Translated by the voice of Parliament
Which sits aboue this cloudy firmament:
I am a God Euphorbus; am no King;
The Tawny-more, and Ethiop shall bring
Vnto my Altars pleasant sacrifice,
Fresh Opo-balsum; Fawnes of paradice;
Roe-buckes and balme to please our Deity.
Stab vs (thou Athiest) stab vs, and beleeue
That I am perfect shadow, am a God;
Thrust thy vn-willing Poniard through my ribs;
And thence perceiue our full Deuinity;
Auoide my wrath (I say) 'tis dangerous,
If you refuse, I am vnmercifull.

Stand to thy fortune (God) my dagger comes:

Deep enough dig then: ô my smal wound smarts
My breath is stopt, my God-like soule departs.

So: I now assume the intellectuall robe
Of Reason; and re-linquish Lunacy
Which idle feare brought mee acquainted with:
And (as I hope) the vnderstanding heads,
Which rule this Common-wealths society;
Will construe this an act of Piety.

Where is the King? I carry newes of ioy—

Where is the King? dead Fauorina liues.

Heere lies the King who did enforce a death
Vpon the perill of his Authors life,
If hee refus'd to execute his will.

Euphorbus then recouer'd?

Yes; for I
Did counterfeit a couz'ning lunacy.

Sparta behoues to'acknowledge thee her friend.

The sentence of Amilcar let's attend.