University of Virginia Library



“Ex fructibus eorum cognoscetis eos.”


They were very peaceful folk,
Who in marriage-bond did yoke:
On the mountain, Joachim
Prayed, and Anna, loving him,
For him in the garden prayed:
Very gentle wife she made,
And, amid her humble cares,
All his will she welcomed hers.


There was peace between them such
That they felt each other's touch
Long time after in their heart,
If they needs must be apart.
When their child was born they saw
Of herself she kept God's law,
And they held her subject so
As a flower one shields to blow.


Joseph is so meek a man,
Joachim and Anna plan


Strict espousals with their maid.
Mary, as a child, obeyed:
But one smile she gave her mother,
Who now leads her to another.


Then a sorrow fell on them;
Mary must to Bethlehem
With her husband to be taxed.
Only Joachim would stay
Longer on the mount away;
Anna plied her distaff close,
As she made no prayer for those.


Travellers one day did pass:
At the gate there was an ass;
And their lowly One, as sweet
As an angel, comes to greet;
Greets her father and her mother,
Lays in Anna's arms another—
When the Baby hath enticed,
Whispers her, “He is the Christ.”