University of Virginia Library



Care not, if in her lucid course
Unveiling intermediate laws,
And ever-flowing streams of force,
And analysing all to one,
Science or seeks or shuns the Cause.
Care not, if searching History pour
Her blaze on what of old was writ,
Or if the text revered of yore
Resign the sole and special place
Blind human love imposed on it.
On all we know with gracious smiles
The great Omniscience looks: nor cares
If ill or well we sum the miles
'Twixt earth and sun; nor how the strife
Of real and ideal fares.


But the high heart, the noble aim,
The fair soul speaking in the face,
In the divine true portion claim:—
And oft to those who own him least
The Master comes with special grace.
Then fear not, if the jangling sects
Announce each other fool or knave:
Nor let thy central peace be vext
When pulpit-fulminations blaze,
Or fervid Nature-prophets rave.
But pray thy prayer and keep thy creed
In modest majesty of soul:—
'Tis the pure hand and heart They heed
Who mark the fallen sparrow's cry,
And are the Infinite they control.