University of Virginia Library



Quiet are the treeless hills
Clad with short coarse grass and heather;
Around them the sky's wide circle
And beneath them the silent sea.
And around the sky's wide circle are clouds of fire,
Towers of flaming snow:
And the plain of the gleaming sea reflects the glitter
In lonely patches of calm.
Wild, fiery-splendid sky!
Silent protest of day against night's dark domination,
Over thy splendour already hangeth the omen of gloom.
And the sea inscrutable rests, vast level of flickering darkness,
Watching the sunset go:
All day to the sky it has spoken and in brightness answered to brightness,
Now will it speak to the night.


If there is gloom in the heaven
Shall not the gloom of hell be twice intense?
Therefore ye faces rise!
Ye that within the sunless depths have dwellings,
And by the deeper terror of your eyes
Smite the night's heart with trembling.