University of Virginia Library


To his Friend Mr. JAMES GREEN.

The solemn festival draws near
To celebrate lost man restor'd;
May you enjoy it with good cheer,
May Peace and Plenty deck your board.
But let Devotion's holy flame
First rise t'expunge intemp'rate mirth;
And ponder! that a God supreme
Descends to cloath himself with earth:
Free from all pomp, obscure and mean,
Behold th'Almighty King array'd;
Contented in a manger lain,
Tho' th'heav'nly choir his birth display'd.


What then is Pride, which so abounds
With empty forms midst Grief and Care;
Divine Humility confounds
That vain parade we mortals wear.
Then let us live that we may die
To live together ever blest;
And join in praise to God most high,
Who man restores t'eternal rest?
Dec. 23.