University of Virginia Library


I will awa' wi my Love,
I will awa' wi' her,
Tho a' my Kin had sworn and said,
I'll o'er Bogie wi' her.
If I can get but her Consent,
I dinna care a Strae,
Tho ilka ane be discontent,
Awa' wi' her I'll gae.
I will awa', &c.
For now she's Mistress of my Heart,
And wordy of my Hand,
And well I wat we shanna part,
For Siller or for Land.
Let Rakes delyte to swear and drink,
And Beaus admire fine Lace,
But my chief Pleasure is to blink
On Betty's bonny Face.
I will awa', &c.


There a' the Beauties do combine
Of Colour, Treats and Air,
The Saul that sparkles in her Een
Makes her a Jewel rare;
Her flowing Wit gives shining Life
To a' her other Charms,
How blest I'll be when she's my Wife,
And lockt up in my Arms.
I will awa', &c.
There blythly will I rant and sing,
While o'er her Sweets I range,
I'll cry, Your humble Servant King,
Shamefa' them that wa'd change
A Kiss of Betty and a Smile,
Abeet ye wa'd lay down
The Right ye ha'e to Britain's Isle,
And offer me ye'r Crown.
I will awa', &c.