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On the Young Statesmen.

By J. Dryden, 1680.


Clarendon had Law and Sense,
Clifford was Fierce and Brave,
Brennet's grave look was a pretence,
And D---y's matchless Impudence
Help'd to support the Knave.


But Sun---d, God---n, L---y,
These will appear such Chits in story,
'Twill turn all Politicks to Jests,
To be repeated like John Dory,
When Fidlers sing at Feasts.


Protect us, mighty Providence,
What wou'd these Mad-men have?
First, they wou'd bribe us without Pence,
Deceive us without common Sense,
And without Power enslave.


Shall free-born Men in humble awe,
Submit to servile shame;
Who from consent and custom, draw
The same Right to be rul'd by Law
Which Kings pretend to reign?


The Duke shall wield his conq'ring Sword,
The Chancellor make a Speech,


The King shall pass his honest word,
The pawn'd Revenue Summs afford;
And then, come kiss my Breech.


So have I seen a King on Chess,
(His Rooks and Knights withdrawn,
His Queen and Bishops in distress)
Shifting about, grow less and less,
With here and there a Pawn.