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Latine Songs

With their English: and Poems. By Henry Bold ... Collected and perfected by Captain William Bold

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On a Servant Maid who satisfied her Amours with a Mastiff Dog.


Out! out! you Bitch! what it's the Devil you ail?
How to a four-ledg Creature turn your tayle
Strange Death of Female-mongers sure in town,
When Mauger law Woman to beast lyes down
And takes a nasty Cur those legs between,
Where many a Christian had or ought to have been.
Oh! what an age we live in, when alack,
There's found a gill, that could not find her Jack,
So that Sans fear of God in hugger mugger,
The Femal must seduce the Male to bugger,
Spight of Dame Shipton we have Men enough,
Nor are they all bewitch'd, but Woman proof,


The maid o'th holder forth first gave this hint,
Or furor Cunni of the Devil was in't,
Or was't for that two-leg'd-lawful Creature,
I'th' Execution of the deed of Nature,
Made that Sport was so sweet to be so short,
(And little thanks is con'nd dame nature for't,)
That thou playd'st this Dog trick & wouldst be Lym'd
Ev'n for that Cause, thou mightst as well be Brim'd
But lets suppose each wight is not so stayward,
As Wallace was (of Yore) or yet blind Bayard,
Yet one would think, that in this knack of love,
Each Member should be fit as hand and glove.
And that a Porters Pego may be as stiff,
Dispraise to none as Utensill of Mastiff,
Ev'ry Dog has his day, but this I wot,
Before his Brethren's, came in, went to Pot,
Like will to like as in old Writ we find,
And why not Dog as well as Cat to kind.
But what's the issue come on't, but all
Bigenerous and Paternatural?
Of such a kind of Breed as this I guess
Luellins was in his Men miracles,
Where Aries head and face as said Man Daniel,
Was not unlike to that of Dog call'd Spaniel,
But how the Mulier formosa superni,
Shall the desinit, that will concern yee,
Yet for Examples sake Serini's Monster,
Births of this or that nature can't misconter.


New-gate's black Dog, or Pistols Island Cur,
Was probably this Sires Progenitor,
But be they this or that or be they neither
Dead and alive it seem'd they hang'd together.