University of Virginia Library


The unfrequented Provinces of Night,
By hostile Motion never yet annoy'd,
Not yet discover'd by far trav'lling Light,
Profound Tranquility enjoy'd.
Thro' the void Regions of diffusive Space,
Unfruitful Solitude securely reign'd;
No Track appear'd on Desolation's Face,
And Silence undisturb'd her peaceful Throne maintain'd.
Till Troops of Matter, all unknown before,
New-rais'd by high creating Power,


Unregimented, raw, undisciplin'd,
Receiv'd the great Command to move,
And to intestine Feuds inclin'd,
Fiercely for Conquest with each other strove.
Confusion, Strife, discordant Noise,
And horrid Uproar's hateful Voice,
Vex the dark Regions of the Deep,
Where ancient Night her loneful Court did keep,
And where unactive Shade extended lay asleep.