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Þe Iewesse þorw hire sones sawe
Was conuertet to crist a-non;
Þe Child tok hym to cristes lawe,
And alle þe Iewes euerichon.


Þe Meir sat on þe Ieuh him-selue,
fforte beo Iuge of his trespas;
To siggen þe soþe i-sworen were twelue,
To ȝiuen heore verdyt in þat caas.
Þei counseiled i-vere vppon þat caas,
And comen aȝeyn bi on assent;
Þe wordes of þat verdyt was:
“In þat same houene he schulde be brent.”
Þus is endet þis stori
Of þe Miracle
I-writen a-boue.
God graunt vs Ioy
In heuene an hih,
Ihesu, for þi Moder loue.