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Rvbbe, and A great Cast

Epigrams. By Thomas Freeman

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Epigram. 44. In Caspiam.

Caspia the decrepit old rich Croot,
Whose face (th'antiquity of time bewraying)
Is riueld like a ruffled summer Boot.
Shee that's in all things, but in wealth, decaying:
Caspia, that same fowle deformed Fubs,
Who neuer needs feare coughing out her teeth,
(For she hath none, but a few Holly-stubs)
She that should think of nothing now but death;
Maugre th'imperfections of her Age,
She will with Tubrio the yong gallant wed,
And linke herselfe to him in marriage.
What shall we say next day when she is dead?
That this old foole did that yong fellow take,
Him not her Husband, but her Heire to make.