University of Virginia Library


[Cap. 50.]

The Contentes of the L. Chap.

Iacobs Interment is exprest:
Ioseph forgeues his Brethren next:
And seeth vnto the third degree
His Childrens Seede, & then dies hee.


Then Ioseph fel on Fathers face,
and wept vppon him sore,
And kissed him wt heauy cheere
as one right sad therefore:


And to his seruāts thus said he,
(sutch as Embalme the dead)
Let Father mine Embalmed bee,
and taken from his Bedde.


So Israell Embaulmed was
as Ioseph bad in hast.
When Forty Dayes accomplisht were,
(so longe the Dayes did last
Of sutch Men as Embaulmed were)
Which time they haue not past.


But yet those Folke of Egipt Land
that were with Ioseph then,
Did sore bewayle the Death of him,
iust three Skore Dayes and Ten.


And when the Dayes of Mourninge his
were past, and gonne away:
Then Ioseph spoke to Pharoes House,
and on this wise did say:


If I haue any fauour found,
before your eies at all,
I pray you then to Pharo speake,
as I now tell you shall.


I pray you then to Pharo speake,
as I nowe tell you shall:


My Father made me sweare, and sayde,
My Sonne, behold, I Dye:
Entoumbe thou mee in Canaan,
whereas my Graue doth lye.


Ah las, now therefore lett mee goe,
I humbly do the pray,
And I my Father burye will,
and come agayne this way.
Sayd Pharao then, goe vp, and do,
as Father made the Say.


So Ioseph with his Father went:
with him there went as tho
The Elders of Kinge Pharoes House,
and Seruaunts his also:
Yea all the Elders of the Lande
likewise with them did go


All Iosephes House, and Brethren his,
his Fathers House likewise:
Theyr Children onely, and their Sheepe,
hee did as then deuise


To leaue behinde in Goshen Land,
till their returninge backe.
They went with Horse, and Chariottes store,
no furniture did lack.


And when they came beyonde Iordan.
Goren Atad vnto,
With greeuous Lamentation
they made there mutch ado:


And Ioseph there his Fathers Death
bemoaned seuen dayes longe:
And when the Cananites this sawe,
they sayd them selues amonge:



This is vnto th' Egiptians,
a Mourning great, we see,
And so their Lamentacion
they nam'de the place to bee.


Thus Iacobs Sonnes did vnto him,
as hee to them had sayd:
They caryed him to Canan Lande,
and in the Caue him layde,


Which is in Field of Machpelah
that Abram somtime bought
Of Ephron, neere to Mamre soyle,
an Hittite as is tought.


When Iosephes Father buried was,
they all return'de agayne
Into Egipt, where Ioseph gaue
them thankes, for all their payne.


But now when Iosephes Brethren sawe,
their Father dead and gone:
Perhaps sayd they that Ioseph will
his Wrath vs wreake vpon:


And wil vs hate, and pay agayne
the Ill that wee haue done.
Therfore to him, they sent and sayd:
Ioseph, old Iacobs Sonne,


Thy Father did commaundment geeue
before hee went away,
Thus shall you Ioseph speake vnto,
forgeeue I now thee pray


The Trespasse of thy Brethren past,
that they haue done to thee:
And now forgeeue our fault likewise,
for wee Gods Seruauntes bee.


When they thus vnto Ioseph spake
hee wept a certayne space,


And in that Tyme his Brethren came,
and fel before his face:


And sayd, behold thy Seruauntes wee,
attend vpon thy wyll:
Feare not (sayth hee) for vnder God
I am and wil bee still.


When you pretended ill to mee,
God turn'de it to the best,
That hee might bring such thinges to passe,
as this day is exprest.


And many People sau'd aliue,
that els had now bene gone:
Feare not therefore, Ile norishe you,
and Children yours ech one.


So kindely vnto them hee spake,
and entertaynde so well,
It was more comfort to their hart,
then any toung can tell.


Thus Ioseph and his Fathers house:
in Egipt dwelled styll:
He lyu'de an Hundreth yeares and tenne,
and then did Death him kill.


The Children yet of Ephraim
did Ioseph lyue to see,
Unto the third descent of them
by order in degree.


Lykewise hee Machirs Children saw,
Manassehs Sonne that was,
Whom Ioseph brought vp on his knees,
and thus it came to passe:


That Ioseph to his Brethren sayd,
I readye am to dye,
And God wil surely visite you,
as time the thing shall trye.



And bring you safe out of this Land
vnto the Land hee sware
To Abram, Isac, and Iacob,
and ryd you so from care.


Then of the Children of Isrell
an Oath did Ioseph take,
And sayd, God (sure) wil visite you,
for his great mercies sake.


And you shal cary hence my boanes,
thus did hee Prophecie,
Beeing an Hundreth yeares and Tenne,
and in that Age did dye.


And after, they embaulmed him,
and put him in a Chest
In maner as his Father was,
so him, th' Egyptians drest.