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The Whole Works of Homer

Prince of Poetts: In his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke. By Geo: Chapman
15 occurrences of caske
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The Argvment.
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15 occurrences of caske
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The Argvment.

Atrides and his other Peeres of name,
Leade forth their men; whom Eris doth inflame.
Hector (by Iris charge) takes deedlesse breath,
Whiles Agamemnon plies the worke of death:
Who with the first beares his imperiall head.
Himselfe, Vlysses, and King Diomed,
Euripylus, and Æsculapius sonne,
(Enforc't with wounds) the furious skirmish shun.
Which martiall sight, when great Achilles viewes,
A little his desire of fight renewes:
And forth he sends his friend, to bring him word
From old Neleides, what wounded Lord
He in his chariot from the skirmish brought:
Which was Machaon. Nestor then besought
He would perswade his friends to wreake their harmes,
Or come himselfe, dockt vp his dreadfull armes.