University of Virginia Library



[Armes and honours deck thy story]

Armes and honours deck thy story
To thy fames immortal glory,
Adverse fortune ever fly the,


No disasterous fate come nigh the,
Prosper still in martiall courses
Prosper still in arts and forces,
Bright victory
Attend the nigh,
Whilst spreading fame
Resound thy name
And Blason forth
Thy mighty worth.
Just Astræa whom Poets say
From wicked earth is fled away,
And in the bandrike hast thy seate
To make the Zadiack compleat,
Once more from thy bright throne descend
Thy owne stout Champion to defend,
Sheild him from harme
Strengthen his arme,
Kind Mars come downe
And his head crowne
With wreaths of palme,
Then myrh, and balme
Sweet insence, with the Cypresse tree,
And Cassia shall flame to the,
And Th' Magpie, and the Woolfe which be
Devoted to thy dietie,
Ride on truths champion, and goe
Assured thy haughty foe,
Shall fall like Sparrowes 'fore a halke
Thou ore his spoyles shalt boldy walke,
Bright victory
Attend the nigh,
Whilst spreading fame
Resound thy name
And Blazon forth
Thy mighty worth.