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The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania

Written by the right honorable the Lady Mary Wroath

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[Loue growne proud with victory]
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[Loue growne proud with victory]

Loue growne proud with victory,
Seekes by sleights to conquer me,
Painted showes he thinks can bind
His commands in womens mind.
Loue but glories in fond louing,
I most ioy in not remouing.


Loue a word, a looke, a smile,
In these shapes can some beguile,
But he some new way must proue
To make me a vassell loue.
Loue but &c.
Loue must all his shadowes leane
Or himselfe he will deceiue,
Who loues not the perfect skie,
More then clouds that wanton slie.
Loue but &c.
Loue, yet thus thou maist me win,
If thy staidnesse would begin
Then like friends w'would kindly meete
When thou proou'st as true as sweete
Loue then glory in thy louing
And Ile ioy in my remouing.