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Flovvers of Epigrammes

Ovt of sundrie the moste singular authours selected, as well auncient as late writers. Pleasant and profitable to the expert readers of quicke capacitie: By Timothe Kendall

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Against Ligurinus.

No man with thee will willyng meet:
and eache one takes hym to his feet
Whereso thou Ligurine dost come:
thy presence shunnes both all and some.
Wilt know why thus from thee they start?
a Poet prattlyng pert thou art.
This vice is vile all men among:
the Tigres robbed of her yong,
The Dypsas scorcht with skaldyng heat,
the Scorpion that with taile doth threat,
These monsters fell are not so feard
as thou art, where that thou art heard:
For who I praie thee suffer can
as thou art such a troublous man?
To hym that standeth thyn dost reed,
so eke to hym that sits indeed.
To hym that runs thou art recityng,
to hym thou readst that is a shityng.
Washyng at Baines, there I thee here.
I can not swim, where thou art neer.
To meales I hast, me dost thou stay.
at table plast, thou goest thy way.
All wery when I go to bed,
molestyng mee, thou shakst my hed.
What harme thou dost now wilt thou see?
though honest, good, and iust thou be,
Yet for this fault, none like of thee.