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The Muses Sacrifice

[by John Davies]

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Domine exaudi.

Psal. 102.

It seemeth that this Prayer was appointed to the faithfull to pray in the Captiuitie of Babilon. A Consolation for the building of the Church: whereof followeth the praise of God to be published vnto all Posteritie. The Conuersion of the Gentiles: and, the stabilitie of the Church.

Attend my Prayer (Lord) and let my Cry
ascend to thee, from whom all grace descends:
From my distresse turne not thy Mercies Eye,
but bowe thine Eare to me, that downward bends.
When e'er I call, make answere; for, my dayes
like Vapor vanish; and, my parched bones
Waxe weake and dry, as is the flame that playes
about the Snuffe, at point to quench at ones.
Th'hast smitten me (as Grasse by Lightning smit)
so that my Heart is wither'd quite away:
And through my griefe, for that, I further it:
for, I forget to eate, for Natures stay.


And through my groning voice, my bones, that burne,
to my consuming flesh, will hardly cleaue:
And, like a Pelican alone, I mourne:
or, like an Owle I liue, while life I leaue.
I weare out Time in strictest vigilance,
and, as a Sparrow, on the Houses Crest,
I sit alone; to minde my sinnes mischance:
so (idly) resting in the most vnrest.
The while my Foes (backbiting) me reuile;
yea, he that praised me, against me sweares:
But I, as Bread, did Ashes eate the while;
and still my Drinke did mingle with my Teares.
Because thy Wrath grew hot against my sinne:
for, thou hast rais'd me vp, to cast me downe:
My dayes are past, as if they ne'er had bin;
and (like Hay wither'd) I from thee am mowne.
But thou (immortall Spirit) dost still endure;
and thy Memoriall euer lasts in prime:
Thou shalt arise, and downe thy Mercies poure
(by showers) on Sion, in this promis'd time.
For, eu'n the Stones of that faire Edifice
delight thy Seruants; and her sacred Ground
They pitty, as they doe her preiudice,
which with the sharpest griefe their hearts doth wound.


So shall the Heathen feare thine awfull NAME;
and, all the Kings on Earth thy glory feare:
For, Sions Fabricke thou dost still re-frame,
and in thy fullest Glory shalt appeare.
Our Lord the prayers of the meeke approues,
and not dispie their Suites, in wretched case:
So future times to write this, this doth moue,
that Babes vnborne, may praise this God of Grace.
Who, from his high as holy Place, doth vaile
his Eyes to Earth (whereon they still remaine)
To heare poore Captiues plaints, and such as waile;
and, loose the Sonnes of them (vniustly) slaine.
That they in Sion should diuulge his NAME;
and in Ierusalem his earned Praise:
Yea, in th' Assemblies celebrate the same,
when Kings consorted, sing sweet Sions Layes.
He, in the way of his great pow'r and grace,
hath answer'd them: but, shew (Lord) shew to me,
How long or short shall be my mortall Race;
that so, for thee, I still may ready be.
And take me not, ô take me not away,
(at vnawares) yer halfe my Dayes be done:
As for thy yeeres they stand still at a stay;
but mine more swift then thought away doe runne.


In the Beginning, thou the Earth didst found,
the highest Heauens thy glorious Hands did reare:
But they shall perish; thou, continue sound
while they waxe old, and like a Garment weare.
And, as a Vesture, thou shalt change their Frame,
and they shall changed be; but thou, alone
Dost still continue One, and aye the same:
whose yeeres remaine the same, and euer One!
Thy Seruants sonnes inhabit shall the Land,
their seede shall be directed in thy Wayes:
And while they walke therein, they fixt shall stand
in Heau'n and Earth to celebrate thy praise.
To God the Father then, all glory be;
t'his Sonne, and to their Spirit, which wee adore;
(Coequall in their Essence and Degree)
as it was, is, and shall be euermore.