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Meditations. Memoratiues. By Elizabeth Grymeston

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Domine exaudi orationem meam.

Vouchsafe admit thy gracious eares,
With milde regard for to attend
The prayers, that a plaining heart
With sorowing sighs to thee doth send:
And let thereto, ô louing Lord,
Thy Iustice and thy Trueth accord.
In rigour of thy righteous doome,
O do not scan thy seruants cause:
For there is none on earth aliue,
Through faultlesse life freed from thy lawes.
Then how may I in sinfull plight,
Seeme iust in thy all-seeing sight!
The friend of sinne, the foe of soules,
Downe to the earth my soule hath brought,
Which to the heauen should aspire,
Since from the heauen it was wrought:
O raise it vp againe to blisse,
From earth and all that earthly is.
Amids the darke misse-led am I,
Where lacke of light sinnes view denies:
I liue a life more like to death,
While dead from grace my bodie lies,
And where as care through secret smart
Sends anguish to afflict my hart.

But I (ô Lord) recall to minde
What thou hast done in time before,
And how thy Iustice hath beene great,
But how thy Mercy hath beene more.
Thus hope of helpe still comfort giues,
While Mercie still with Iustice liues.
My stretched hands to thee display
The ensignes of my yeelding hart:
My soule, as earth that water wants,
Of vertues fruit can beare no part.
I faint, send some reliefe of raine,
Lest els vnfruitfull I remaine.
Thy face of pitie, not of wrath,
Turne not, ô louing Lord, from me:
And let not, Lord, my owne misdeeds
Haue lasting force to anger thee:
For so might I compare my case
To theirs that furthest fall from grace.
But since my hope is firme in thee,
Let me betimes thy mercie haue,
The way of health make knowen to me,
My feet from erring paths to saue.
Onely to thee my soule retires:
Onely thy mercie it desires.
O free me from my sinfull foes,
To thee I flie to be secure,
Teach me the lesson of thy will,
And let me put it well in vre.
Thou art my God, and God of all
That for thy aide and comfort call.

Thou wilt vouchsafe to me, ô Lord,
Thy Holy Spirit to be my guide,
My faith and hope in thee is such,
And such it euer shall abide.
Reuiue thou wilt me for thy name:
Goodnesse in thee requires the same.
So that at last by thee, ô God,
My soule from bale to blis be brought;
And that in mercie thou subuert
All those my soules destruction sought:
And force of foes destroyd may be,
And I made safe for seruing thee.
All glory be to thee, ô God
The Father of eternall might,
And to the Sonne and Holy ghost,
Three man vndiuided plight,
As now it is, and was of yore,
And shall endure for euermore.