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Sonnettes, Madrigals, Elegies and Odes [by Barnabe Barnes]

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[Ah pearse-eye pearsing eye, and blazing light]

Ah pearse-eye pearsing eye, and blazing light
Of thunder thunderblazes burning vppe!
Oh sunne sunne-melting, blind, and dazing sight!
Ah hart downe driuing hart, and turning vppe!
Oh matchlesse bewtie bewties bewtie stayning!
Sweet damaske rose bud Venus rose of roases!
Ah fronte Imperious deuties deutie gayning!
Yet threatfull cloudes did still incloase and cloases!
Oh lillye leaues when Iuno lillyes leaues
In wondring at her coloures grayne distayned!
Voyce, which rockes voyce and mountaines hyllye cleaues
In sonder at my loues with payne complained!
Eye, lihtning Sunne, hart bewties bane vnfained!
Oh damaske rose! proude forhead! lillye! voyce!
Ah partiall fortune! sore chance! sillye choyce.