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The Poems of John Byrom

Edited by Adolphus William Ward

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Moses, to whom, by a peculiar Grace,
God spake (the Hebrew Phrase is) “Face to Face,”
Call'd by an Heav'nly Voice, the Rabbins say,
Ascended to a Mountain's Top one Day;
Where, in some Points perplex'd, his Mind was eas'd,
And Doubts concerning Providence appeas'd.
During the Colloquy Divine, say they,
The Prophet was commanded to survey
And mark what happen'd on the Plain below.
There he perceiv'd a fine, clear Spring to flow
Just at the Mountain's Foot, to which, anon,
A Soldier on his Road came riding on;
Who, taking Notice of the Fountain, stopt,
Alighted, drank, and, in remounting, dropt
A Purse of Gold; but, as the precious Load
Fell unsuspected, he pursued his Road.
Scarce had he gone, when a young Lad came by,
And, as the Purse lay just before his Eye,
He took it up, and, finding its Content,
Secur'd the Treasure, and away he went.
Soon after him a poor, infirm old Man,
With Age and Travel weary quite and wan,


Came to the Spring to quench his Thirst, and drank,
And then sat down to rest him on the Bank.
There while he sat, the Soldier on his Track,
Missing his Gold, return'd directly back;
Lit off his Horse, began to swear and curse,
And ask'd the poor old Fellow for his Purse.
He solemnly protested, o'er and o'er,
With Hands and Eyes uplifted to implore
Heav'ns Attestation to the Truth, that he
Nor Purse nor Gold had ever chanc'd to see;—
But all in vain; the Man believ'd him not,
And drew his Sword, and stabb'd him on the spot.
Moses, with Horror and Amazement seiz'd,
Fell on his Face. T he Voice Divine was pleas'd
To give the Prophet's anxious Mind Relief,
And thus prevent expostulating Grief:
“Be not surpris'd, nor ask how such a Deed
The World's Just Judge could suffer to succeed.
The Child has caus'd the Passion, it is true,
That made the Soldier run the old Man thro';
But know one Fact, tho' never yet found out,
And judge how that would banish ev'ry Doubt:
This same old Man, thro' Passion once as wild,
Murder'd the Father of that very Child.”