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He bids the comet play,
And empires tremble at his burning tail;
Commanding troops without delay,
The distant land his calls obey,
Ye proud imperial powers give way,
And at the cause bewail.
Along the common tide,
Pallid he floated with a hideous yell;
Napoleon bellowed at his side,
And saw compassion all denied;
Beneath his stroke, ten thousand died,
And wounded millions fell.
Ye breathe a doleful strain,
Pursued at once by heavy rending peals;
He heaved his thunders from the main,
In purple gore he dyed the plain,
Then boasted his legions slain,
Beneath the ruthless wheel.
Pregnant with every ill,
He breathed his stenched diseases from afar;
A quiet world no more was still,
And terrors broke from hill to hill,
Whose bloody thirst was all to kill,
Which stood before his car.