University of Virginia Library



So young, so skilful, and so fair!
Such praise thy merits claim,
The muse with rapture should prepare,
To celebrate thy fame.
If thus thy morn of youth displays
So much of virtue's light;
Oh! who can tell the glorious blaze
Of life's meridian height?
Gay hope with joy to future years,
Extends her eager view;
A pleasing prospect there appears,
She smiles, and points to you.
Thro' life she sees thee take thy way,
Elate in beauty's pride.
The graces all around thee play,
And virtue is thy guide.


Fair innocence with peace and love,
Strew flow'rs where e'er you tread;
And mild religion from above,
Sheds blessings on thy head:
Then shall thy worth some bard inspire,
In more exalted lays,
To bid the gazing world admire,
And give thee all thy praise.
London, 1767.