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Why, loneliness and grief be mine, when all of hope has fled—
The lamp should surely cease to shine, when all its oil is shed;
Or, if a feeble blaze it gives, its lustre is alone,
A ray that serves to say it lives, tho' all its light be gone.
Thou should'st not strive to charm my soul, with visions that must fly—
Like clouds that from the morning roll, beneath the eastern sky:
These dreams may tempt, but cease to lend, a lasting hope to joy,
And should they with my bosom blend, 'twould be, but to destroy.


Then cease to form the feature bright, that truth must still deny—
And he should know the morning's light, who's felt each change of sky:
The sweets with which thou would'st allure, are like the dreams of sleep,
That tempt the wand'rer to the shore, then hurl him in the deep.