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Thoughts in Verse

A Volume of Poems

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Listen, my friends, from whence comes this legion?
Legion of messengers, earnest and blessed;
Filled with a purpose—to teach is their mission—
Thousands of those who are wronged and oppressed.
Hear them contending for progress in all things!
Hear them contending for justice and right!
Principles, not men; truth, not for victory,—
For wisdom and learning and fairness they fight.
List to the clash of arms! stern, but not gory;
Striking illiteracy low in the dust!
Not in applause of men are they seeking glory,
But strong in their duty, and true to their trust.
Such is the work that is needed among us,
Men who will sacrifice self for their race!
Burning the oil of life, enlightening others,
That millions unborn may our history trace.
Teachers of Georgia, we heartily greet you!
Nobly and well you have carried the light!
Like one of old, be your watchword—Excelsior!
The long foretold morning shines gloriously bright!
Work with a will, let not jealousy hinder;
Build up each other, our progress demands!
No cause can advance when internal strife enters;
Columns unbroken the fierce charge withstands!


Stand ye together! no strife nor dissension—
United, harmonious, strength ye shall wield;
Build up a structure whose chief stone is union!
Better that weapon than sword and a shield!
Teachers of Georgia! be faithful and earnest,—
Patiently, trustfully, seed must be sown.
The harvest is sure, the result none computest,—
The future alone shall disclose it—work on!
And may the God of the Universe guide us,
Guide all our efforts in wisdom and love:
That when the duties of life are completed—
We may rejoice in our triumph above!
May, 1886.