University of Virginia Library



"The Death and Rebirth of the
Hero in the Renaissance," 8:00
p.m. South Meeting Room
Newcomb; Professor Bruce
Wardropper, Duke U.

Faschings Fest – German Mardi
Gras Beer etc. Friday, 8:00 p.m.
Graduate student Lounge
Willkommen!! Free– Costumes
optional. *(3653)


Luts Bunels "El Angel
Exterminador" (The Exterminating
Angel), Soundtract in Spanish with
English subtitles, Monday March 6,
7:30 p.m. Wilson Hall 308.


Women IM managers: please check
your mailboxes!! Outside Room 24
- Memorial Gym. *(e-m)

Hillel Foundation: Sabbath
morning service and Bagel and Lox
Luncheon, Saturday, March 10 at
10:30 a.m.; phone 295-4963.

Women's Liberation meeting and
discussion of marriage. Sunday 8
p.m. Wesley Foundation. All
women welcome. *(T-F)

Open Rush Smoker Alpha Phi
Omega. Natl. Service Fraternity,
Monday 3/5 6:30 p.m. Wesley

Instructors needed for
mini-workshops! If you're good at
guitar, photography, ceramics,
macrame, painting, etc., leave name