University of Virginia Library


The Caine Mutiny, (Wilson
Hall; 6,8:30, & 11 p.m.; $.75).
Produced by Stanley
Kramer, directed by Edward
Dytryk, from the play by
Herman Wouk. "A
straightforward adaptation...
Slow, somewhat unimaginative
film is partly redeemed by
Humphrey Bogart's superb
performance as the gic,
demoralized Captain Queeg
and by beautifully written
court-martial climax. Jose
Ferer is the defense counsel,
Van Johnson and Fred
McMurray the two mutinous
officers and Tom Tully (an
outstanding cameo) an old sea

The Wild Party,
(Westminster Presbyterian
Church; 6:30 & 9 p.m.; $.75).
Directed by Dorothy Arzner,
with Clara Bow, Frederic
March. An anthropology
professor falls in love with a
flapper student.

Deliverance, (Cinema;
2,4,6,8, & 10 p.m.; $2). With
John Voight, Burt Reynolds.
Though neither of the larger
roles coalesce, the smaller ones
are good. A beautiful musical
duet heightens the intensity of
the drama which comes after.
James Dickey makes a good
sheriff– unfortunately.

Butterflies Are Free,
(University; 1,3,5,7 & 9 p.m.;
$2, except 4:30-5:30 $1.; thru
1-11). With Goldie Hawn.

Last Summer, (Paramount;
1,3,5,7,& 9 p.m.; $2; thru 1-9).

The Mechanic, (Barracks
Road; 1:40, 3:30, 5:20, 7:10,
& 9 p.m.; $2. except 4:50-5:50
$1; thru 1-10). With Charles

An Evening of Nostalgia,
(Paramount; 11:30 p.m.; $2
thru Sat.) Seven old television