University of Virginia Library


At the Prism — Friday Bob
Crawford & Larry Horvath 50 cents
cover; Sat. — Cast of 12,000 of
Norfolk 75 cents cover. Doors open
8:00, Show starts 9:15.

Action 70 Dynam Christianity —
Sun., 5 : 00 P.M.
transportation from Memorial
Gym lot.

UNICEF cards sold through Dec.
5th. Displays at Newcomb Hall
Book Store. Call 296-8207.

Engineering students preregistration
materials available at entrance to
Room A-121 Thornton Hall
beginning Dec. 7.

Summer Jobs in Federal Agencies —
Applications due Dec. 4, for
information contact Office of

St. Anthony Hall wishes to
announce the pledging of Douglas
P. Romaine.

Applications now being accepted
through Dec. 8 for 2-year AFROTC
Program. Call ext. 3394/5.

Help locate books, notes missing
since last Monday, Documents
Room, Alderman, Research and
Time at stake. 295-6099.

FOUND — watches; Ford motor
keys; several rings. Identify at
Director's Office, Newcomb Hall.

Women interested in Women's
Liberation please come to the
Wesley Foundation, 2nd floor
conference room, Sunday night,
Dec. 6 at 7:30.

All those working on or interested
in working on Film Committee of
University Union Call 296-4469.