University of Virginia Library


One set of keys with Ello's key
chain Mad Bowl on Saturday.

Brown CPO-type coat at Minor
Hall Tuesday, March 10. Please call
295-8340 for Hitchcock.

"Be Yourself" is the title of a
Christian Science lecture to be held
Saturday March 14 at 3 p.m. by
Colonel William Little of Washington.
D.C. Come to First Church of
Christ Scientist. Gordon Avenue
and 17th Street. All are welcome.

your computer grant run out faster
than it ought to? If your students
attend the Advanced Algol lectures
they would find many ways to
reduce their computer time. Thursday,
5 p.m. Gilmer Hall.

The Dean's Typing Service 1106
West Main St. 295-0782.

WUVA, 640, can now be heard
in the Rugby Road Mad Lane area.
Give us a listen, 8 a.m.-2 a.m.

Is John Mayall to sophisticated
for Virginia? Find out March 20th
at 8 p.m.

Tripping with us is a solemn joy.
Contact Rev. Eclair Pork chop of
the church of the holy mouth
(bring cheeseburgers).

Photographs for graduate school
applications, college applications,
ROTC, OCS, and so forth. One day
service, reasonably priced. Negatives
kept on file for future years.
Phone Gitchell's Studio, 296-7558,
107 E. Main St.

Summer in EUROPE: $199 if
you act now. June 11 to Sept. 3.
NYC to London roundtrip. Call
295-0344 ask for John Sundin.