University of Virginia Library


NRAO and Dept. of Astronomy
present Dr. James A. Roberts
speaking on "Interstellar Scintillations"
at 4 p.m. Thursday at NRAO
Ch'ville Auditorium on Edgemont

A NUMBER of copies of "The
" to students,
both undergraduate and
graduate, have been returned to the
Office of Student Affairs,
VIII (basement) East because
of an address. Any entering
student who did not receive a
copy may stop by that office and
pick one up.

Series tickets now on sale at
Mincers, Hi-Fi House and Newcomb
Hall. Season membership $10.50,
U. Va. students $7.50.

THE KESWICK Club of Virginia
golf course will be closed Thursday
until 1:30 p.m. due to a tournament.

THE U.VA. Rifle and Pistol
Club organizational meeting Thursday
at 8 p.m. in Maury Hall
Auditorium. New members welcome,
no experience necessary.

THE U.VA. Concert Band will
have its first practice at 7 p.m.
Thursday in Old Cabell Hall. All
new and old members should see
Mr. Lasar, the new director, before
the meeting for auditions.