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50. L.

I am a reeznable man, and am distingisht for
not quarrelin with my bred and butter, perwidin
I kin assertane the lokashen uv the bred and
butter aforesed with any reznable degree uv sertenty.
Akootnis in the matter uv bred and butter
is a trate in all uv the Nasby family, ceptin wun,
who is carryin a muskit at $13 per munth, for
prinsipple, ez he sez. We hev repoodeatid him.

The Dimokrasy appere to want Micklellan. Ef
he is the only man we kin elect, I am kontent. I
hev alluz bin a peese man, but expeejensy, which
is the classikle fraze for bred and butter, mite indoose
me to flop. I am ust 2 sich. For a Dimekrat
who hez votid Bank and Anti-bank, Tariff


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and Anti-tariff, Slavery and Anti-slavery, Nebrasky
and Anti-Nebrasky, and who hez sumtimes
bin on both sides uv the saim question to
wunst, for sich a wun, I say, to hesitait now wood
be like the man in the Skripter, who straned at a
gate and swallerd a saw-mill.

Let Micklellan give bonds to perform as folloze,
and I 'm his huckleberry; otherwise I 'm agin
him, wun and indivisible, now and furever. I
want him to stipelate:

1. That the deserters and dismist orfisers, sich
ez Fitsjon Porter, et al., shel hev not over haff
the appintments, givin us a fair show.

2. That he shel patch up a peese with his Suthern
frends ez soon ez possible after his innoggerashen.

3. That ef it shood be decided that the interests
uv the Dimekratik party reqwire a continooence
uv the war, and a appele shel be made for Dimekratik
volunteers, he shel not, under enny serkumstancis
watever, at eny time, er in eny plais,
interfere, in eny shaip, with the manijment uv the
armis, ceptin them as may be drafted from Ablishn

4. That, ez a garanty that justis shel be dun
them ez hez fought the soljers in the North, the
follerin Cabbynit shel be appinted:


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Fernandywood, Sekertary uv Stait.

Jesse D. Brite, Sekertary uv War.

Sammedary, Sekertary uv the Navy.

F. Peerse, P. M. Genral.

5. These shel hev the fust pick uv the orfises
for ther frends. (Ez nun uv em ever hed a frend
in the Fedral armies, the peese men wood be perfickly
safe under this arrangement.)

Let Micklellan maik these pledgis, and I 'll support
him, and bring with me my entire Church.
I will deny all I ever sed agin him. I will maik
affidavits that he is the fust genral uv the age.
I will sware to bein a original Micklellan man,
alluz recognizin in him a master mind, and the
only man capable uv savin the country, and maik
sech uther affidavits ez may, frum time to time,
be nessary. Let this be dun and we may possibly
beet Linkin.

Petroleum V. Nasby,
Paster uv sed Church, in charge.