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'Trouble Shooter'
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'Trouble Shooter'

Dear Sir:

In the Wednesday, March
21 edition of the Cavalier
Daily, "Trouble Shooter"
reported that the Paramount
Theater had refused to refund
the price of tickets to the
canceled performance of
"Tommy." The "Trouble
Shooter's" investigation of the
refusal seems to have consisted
of contacting the manager of
the Paramount and of taking
his word that he had no legal
liability for the fraud that had
apparently been perpetrated.

It does not trouble me
that he denied complicity in
the incident. I am bothered,
however, that his assessment
was so obsequiously accepted
by the Trouble Shooter. I
would suggest that his legal
position is not nearly so clear.

Last week another
student complained that he
had not been refunded $22
that he had pre-paid to Life
Magazine prior to its demise.
"Trouble Shooter" contacted
Life and was told that the
student could receive a
subscription to another
magazine "of equal value." No
mention was made of a refund.
"Trouble Shooter" then had
the audacity to editorially
assert that this solution was
"fair." Perhaps it was trying to
convince itself that justice had
prevailed; it certainly didn't
convince anyone else.

"Trouble Shooter" has
imposed upon itself the duty
of championing the powerless
consumer in his disputes with
strong and insensitive forces.
To this point it had done little
more than act as a forum for
the same forces that it was
meant to confront. Neither
"Trouble Shooter" nor any
other organization can be
expected to right every wrong,
but it ought to do more than
humbly accept the self-serving
assertions of offending parties.

I would suggest that
unless "Trouble Shooter" is
willing to vigorously pursue its
self-imposed duty, it ought to
cease further defrauding the
hopeful student body who
expect from its efforts more
than they themselves could

Ronald P. Mysliwiec
Law 3