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1 occurrence of greenough
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Page 29


In each Academical School a diploma of graduation is conferred in the B. A.
Course. Students who complete both the B. A. and the M. A. Course in any
School are entitled to a diploma of graduation in the School. The titled
degrees conferred in the Academical Department are Bachelor of Arts, Master
of Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy.

The degree of Bachelor of Arts of the University of Virginia is
designed to secure in the candidate such a thorough and well-proportioned
general training in all of the six great departments of human knowledge—Ancient
Languages, Modern Languages, History and Literature, Mathematical
Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Philosophical Sciences—as will fit him to fill
his part in the vocations of life, whether in the field of business, in the pursuit
of the learned professions, or in the special studies preparatory to didactic or
scientific work. This degree is accordingly conferred upon a student who has
been graduated in eight B. A. Courses, selected from the following list, of
which, however, at least one must be taken from each group:

A.—Ancient Languages.


B.—Modern Languages.


C.—History and Literature.

General History—English Literature and Rhetoric—Modern English.

D.—Mathematical Sciences.


E.—Natural Sciences.

General Chemistry—Physics—Geology—Biology.

F.—Philosophical Sciences.

Political Economy—Moral Philosophy.

The degree of Master of Arts of the University of Virginia is designed
for students who desire to extend their work in certain departments of
learning so as to lay a broader foundation for professional study, to equip themselves
for the work of teaching, or to prepare for specialized lines of research in
letters or science. It is conferred upon a Bachelor of Arts who has been
graduated in each of four Schools, elected by himself and approved by the
Faculty. The utmost freedom of election will be encouraged in the arrangement
of these courses, subject to the condition that the four lines of advanced
work chosen shall be so related as to form a rationally connected whole.


Page 30

It is expressly ordered, however, that none of the work done for the B. A.
degree shall be counted again as part of the advanced work required for the
M. A. degree; nor shall the advanced work done for the M. A. degree be
counted also for the B. A. degree.

The preliminary degree required of candidates for the M. A. degree may be
that of this University or of some other chartered institution of learning. But
in the latter case the degree shall be submitted for approval to the Faculty, who
have absolute power to accept or reject the degree offered. The candidate
must in all cases be graduated in the B. A. Course in each School before he is
admitted to the M. A. Course in that School. But this last condition may be
waived by the Faculty in favor of a candidate who evidences upon examination
adequate preliminary training to pursue with profit the M. A. Course simultaneously
with the B. A. Course of the School.

A Bachelor of Arts of any other chartered institution of learning who enters this
University as a candidate for the M. A. degree, must submit to the Faculty a statement
showing the four major studies in which he proposes to pursue the M. A. Courses, and four
associated minor studies, which would complete the requirements for the B. A. and M. A.
degrees. Under the regulations of the Visitors, he will be required to pursue here both the
B. A. and the M. A. Courses in the four major studies. But in any or all of the four minor
studies he will be excused from attendance upon the regular B. A. Courses upon presenting
his diploma and passing a SPECIAL EXAMINATION at this University in such studies. This
examination will, in all cases, be of a practical character, designed to test the permanent
acquisition by the student of a sound general knowledge of the several subjects. Bachelors
of Arts who are deficient in any of the minor studies may fill out their schemes of study
by attending the regular B. A. courses at this University in those subjects and passing the
regular examinations.

The degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Virginia
is offered to students who propose to devote their energies to specialized research
in any of the various departments of letters or science. It will be conferred on
a Bachelor of Arts or Master of Arts who has passed examination in the Postgraduate
Courses of two Schools, elected by himself and approved by the Faculty,
and in addition has prepared and printed a dissertation, accepted by the Professors
of the Schools elected, as showing independent research or original treatment
of some subject belonging to the School chosen as his major study.

The preliminary degree required of candidates for the Ph. D. degree may be
that of this University or of some other chartered institution of learning. But
in the latter case the degree must be approved by the Faculty, and the candidate
must in all cases be graduated in each of the two Schools elected before
he is admitted to the Ph. D. Course in that School. The last condition may
be waived by the Faculty in favor of a candidate who evidences upon examination
adequate preliminary training to pursue with profit the Ph. D. Course at
the same time with the M. A. Course of the School.