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Addenda et Corrigenda

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Addenda et Corrigenda


  • Omit: "Pub: Va. Mag. of Hist., IV, 28–29."
  • 40a.

  • Add, following No. 40 under date of June 9:
  • Governor Argall. A letter.
  • IV.

  • Ref: (1) Misc. Papers, 1606–1683, quarto. (Abstract only.) (2) MS. Coll. Va. Hist.
    Soc., John Randolph MSS., III.
  • Pub: Va. Mag. of Hist., IV, 28.
  • 43–48, 50–52, 55–57.

  • Ref: Change to: See under No. 39.
  • 64.

  • Change note to: See No. 39, Remarks.
  • 65.

  • Ref: Omit: "(Abstract only)". Add: (2) MS. Coll. Va. Hist. Soc., John Randolph MSS., III.
  • Pub: Add: Va. Mag. of Hist., IV, 29.
  • Change note to: See No. 39, Remarks.
  • 67, 74, 75.

  • Change note to: See No. 39, Remarks.
  • 78.

  • Ref: Change to: See under No. 71.
  • Pub: Change to: See under No. 71.
  • 108a.

  • Add, following No. 108 under date of May 25:
  • James I. Proclamation concerning tobacco.
  • Pub: Referred to only in Rymer, Foedera, 17, 191.
  • 137a.

  • Add, following No. 137 under date of November 10:
  • James I. Proclamation concerning tobacco.
  • Pub: Referred to only in Rymer, Foedera, 17, 191.
  • 167.

  • Ref: Change to: (1) Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. IV, p. 471.
  • 167a.

  • Add, following No. 167 under date of April 7:
  • James I. Proclamation concerning the garbling of tobacco.
  • Pub: Rymer, Foedera, 17, 191.
  • 184.

  • Pub: Add, Rymer, Foedera, 17, 233.
  • 511.

  • Change to: For the petition formulated, see ante No. 481.