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[How hath He loved us? how?]

God so loved the world, that He, &c. —iii. 16.

How hath He loved us? how?
Can man or angel tell?
While prostrate at that cross we bow,
His love's effects we feel;
The virtue of that sign
Our gasping souls receive,
And ransom'd by the death Divine,
We shall for ever live.
No angel from His throne
He sent the world to save,
But God his own beloved Son
To desperate sinners gave:
Who in His bosom lay
He on His foes bestow'd,
The Lamb that bore our sins away
And wash'd us in His blood.
Jehovah's name is Love,
And love His heart inclined
To send His Fellow from above
A victim for mankind:


'Twas found in Him alone
Salvation's wondrous cause
Who freely gave His only Son
To save us by His cross.